Hiraeth is a koha-care service that helps and empowers you to be present for yourself and others in life and death.

Hiraeth (pronounced here-rythe) is a Welsh word that is, well… challenging to translate into English!

So let me try. The traditional meaning is varied but can be likened to ‘a homesickness tinged with grief/sadness over the lost or departed. Especially in the context of Wales. Perhaps for a place or time that never was.

Hiraeth is… that feeling when you recognise your human-ness in the seasons. In the elements. In the stars.

Hireath is… when you view yourself as a part of nature, not separate from it – and for a fleeting moment, you feel… whole. It feels… like home.

Hireath is… accepting that we are a part of nature, that we are bound to its cycles, and that one day, we too will die.

Hireath is… when we find home within ourselves, home within nature.

Whether you’re bearing witness to the death of a loved one, or even in the process of dying yourself – I created Hireath to help you cultivate meaning, presence and navigate a new narrative around what death is through the lens of life. 

I work with you – whether you’re dying or present to the dying – to create your own personal toolkit so that you can navigate through life and death with ease. This recognition, acceptance and presence – is Hiraeth.



After death